• Getting Started with eSSHEpro
  • How to create an account: Visit the eSSHEpro homepage and click on the “Sign Up” button. Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, and a secure password. Click “Submit” to create your account. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to verify your account.
  • How to navigate the platform: Once you’re logged in, you can navigate eSSHEpro using the main menu, which includes links to the course catalog, your dashboard, and your profile. The dashboard is where you can see your current courses and progress. The course catalog is where you can browse and enroll in new courses.
  • How to update your profile and settings: To update your profile, click on your profile picture or name in the top right corner of the screen and select “Profile” from the dropdown menu. Here, you can update your personal information, change your password, and adjust your notification settings.
  • Finding and Enrolling in Courses
  • How to browse the course catalog: From the main menu, select “Course Catalog”. Here, you can browse all available courses. You can filter courses by category, difficulty level, or use the search bar to find courses on specific topics.
  • How to enroll in a course: Once you’ve found a course you’re interested in, click on the course title to view more details. If you decide to enroll, click the “Enroll Now” button on the course page. Some courses may require payment, in which case you’ll be prompted to provide payment information.
  • How to track your course progress: Your course progress can be tracked from your dashboard. For each course you’re enrolled in, you’ll see a progress bar indicating how much of the course you’ve completed. You can click on the course title to access the course content and continue learning.
  • Participating in Courses
  • How to access course materials: Once you’re enrolled in a course, you can access the course materials from your dashboard. Click on the course title to open the course page, where you’ll find all the lectures, readings, and other materials organized by week or module.
  • How to participate in discussions and activities: Many courses include discussion forums and interactive activities to enhance your learning. To participate, navigate to the relevant section of the course page. For discussions, you can read posts by other learners and instructors, and add your own comments or questions. For activities, follow the instructions provided.
  • How to submit assignments and take quizzes: Assignments and quizzes are also accessed from the course page. Click on the assignment or quiz link, complete the work, and then click “Submit”. You’ll receive confirmation that your submission was successful, and your grade will be posted once it’s been reviewed.
  • Using the AI Features
  • How the AI personalizes your learning path: Our AI system analyzes your progress, quiz results, and interactions to personalize your learning path. It may recommend specific courses, suggest additional resources, or adjust the order of course content to better suit your learning style and goals.
  • How to use the AI chatbot for support: If you have a question or need help, you can use our AI chatbot. Simply type your question into the chat window, and the AI will provide an instant response. The chatbot can assist with common issues like account settings, course enrollment, and technical problems.
  • How the AI provides feedback and assessments: The AI also assists with assessments by providing instant feedback on quizzes and suggesting areas for improvement. It can adapt assessments based on your performance, offering additional questions or resources on topics you’re struggling with.
  • Understanding Your Learning Data
  • How to view your course progress and performance: You can view your progress and performance for each course from your dashboard. This includes your completion status, grades, and any feedback you’ve received.
  • How to understand the AI’s analysis of your learning data: The AI system provides insights into your learning patterns, strengths, and areas for improvement. You can view these insights on your dashboard or in the AI features section of each course.
  • How to use this data to improve your learning: Use the AI’s insights to guide your study strategies. For example, if the AI identifies a topic you’re struggling with, you might spend extra time reviewing those materials or seek additional resources.
  • Managing Your Account
  • How to change your password or email address: You can change your password or email address in the account settings section of your dashboard. Remember to save any changes you make.
  • How to manage your privacy settings: Your privacy settings are also located in the account settings section. Here, you can control how your data is used and who can see your profile information.
  • How to delete your account: If you wish to delete your account, please contact our support team. Note that this will permanently erase all your account data, including course progress and certificates.
  • Getting Help
  • How to use the help center and FAQs: Our help center and FAQs provide answers to common questions and issues. You can access these resources from the help link in the site footer.
  • How to contact the support team: If you can’t find the answer you need in the help center or FAQs, you can contact our support team. Use the contact form on the support page, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
  • How to report a problem or bug: If you encounter a problem or bug on the site, please report it to our support team. Provide as much detail as possible, including what you were doing when the problem occurred and any error messages you received.